Monday, January 16, 2006


Okay so tomorrow is the big day and I am nervous as hell. To keep my mind off of it today Elizabeth came over and we scrapped. Before we got started we had to make a mad dash to Hobby Lobby to pick up a few "necessities". Everything is a necessitity these days. Anyway, so we come out of Hobby Lobby 40 minutes later broke as a joke but boy did we get some stuff.

Of course these were "needed" things...hehehe

After we got back to my house Elizabeth had given me my "G" package. (We did a "mail" swap so to speak with the theme of our initials) Here is what I received:

I received 2 cards with my initial that was made with a scrabble tile, a magnet that she painted and poka dotted, a flower with my initial on it that is also a magnet but this one is a clip magnet, a picture frame with my initial, 2 post it notes that are my initials (1 big-1 small) a "G" stamp, some "G"ummi Bears (those are my favorite snack to eat in the whole wide world. I am a gummy bear whore) and a "G"reen cool ass gaudy ring. I *heart* gaudy and she knows it!! I also received a pad that is Gemini (which just so happens to be my sign)Gemini's ROCK!!

Okay enough of that on to my creations:

Well I am off to create some more but this time with my mother. I have now corrupted her. Sorry dad!!


Blogger tracie said...

Your layouts are beautiful. I love the cute little dora stickers in your stash.

Take Care and I am sure you and the girls will be fine.

have a great day

1/16/2006 10:58 PM  
Blogger Just Me said...

oh i love those layouts!!! and i spotted some stuff in your pile that i have too..yeah!!!

oh yeah...i forgot to put in my list of weekends events that i said a quick prayer for Greta for everything to go well every time i looked at my "ladies". i'll be thinking about you!!!

My New Blog!

1/17/2006 7:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Great creations, love the stuff you came home with from HL (as I wipe the drool off my chin, hehehe) and wishing you a great surgery and speedy recovery! Love the swap with the initials! great idea....I wanna do one, hehe.

1/17/2006 11:54 AM  

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