Sunday, January 22, 2006

Enough ALready....

Okay this sitting around on my butt all day is getting quite old. You can only sit and watch so much tv and sleep. For some unknown reason all I have done today is sleep. I haven't slept this much in a long long time. Now it is 4 in the morning and I am wide awake because I cannot sleep. You can only get comfortable sleeping straight up with your knees bent for so long until your arse starts falling asleep and then you are trying to figure out which way to move to let some blood circulate back. UGH this shit sucks.. Mason and Melana have been quite suprsingly well with me. They understand that I have a bo-bo and they are so gentle and easy around me. Although last night, Mr. Mason has a bad habit, thanks to his daddy, of hitting me on the butt and saying "what's my name? (Yes he taught him that. I swear we are such trash) and so last night Mason forgot about my bo-bo (because of the lipo everywhere) and he smacked me on my butt pretty hard and said "What's my name?" UGH can you say I was seeing stars...I said you name is Butt beating if you don't stop hitting me...he said Oh Ma-Ma I so sorry I forgot you have a bo-bo. Aww I couldn't be mad then cause he gave me a big sloppy kiss and rubbed my head and held my hand as I turtled back to the couch.

I need a vacation! Any suggestions? I want to go somewhere tropical!! BWHAHAHAHA I can hear O'Neil now...vacation...your arse isn't getting a vacation this year so you better suck that up... This is my response...but I now have this rockin flat tummy and the ladies I deserve to show them off. O'neil...HMPH sounds to me you better get to stepppin to our beach and think about you being on a beach elsewhere...

I'm pouting can't you tell?

Yes I live on the beach but who the hell wants to go to this beach. I see it everyday and it's not like it's all that great. Oh Well sounds like another girl road trip for me and Elizabeth. I know she's game...anyone else want to join?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that feeling of sleeping too much and then being awake at the oddest hours! I'm sorry sweetie! Poor Mason! Poor Mommy!! Ouch! And yes, I think after what you went thru you do deserve a vaca....for the pain and to show it all off! :) Hey, I'll be game once I have a degree in hand, so save a vaca in there for me in about 2 years!! :)

1/22/2006 6:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ooo, ooo, I'll go to the beach! I haven't been to a beach in about 10 years...seriously! I even went back to California to visit family/friends with Ian in summer 2004 and never made it to the beach because of so much visiting! Awwww, poor Mason probably felt sooo bad, what a little sweetie for kissing his mommy and making it better. ;) Gotta love them kiddie kisses.

1/22/2006 6:27 PM  
Blogger Raina* said...

I soooo agree, if ever there was a time to prance around on the beach, it's now!! Well, you're still bruised right? Ok, as soon as everything heals, you deserve it. LOL

1/23/2006 2:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Bahamas, Mexico, Cuba ???? Sounds fabulous. Glad you are back!

1/23/2006 6:32 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Somewhere southern and tropical. That's my choice! :)

I'm sorry your still not feeling 100% don't worry, you'll be there soon! It's worth it though right?!? I'm happy you're babies are being good to ya! That thing your boylie learned is HILARIOUS!!!

1/24/2006 8:31 AM  
Blogger Just Me said...

just came by to get an update on how you and your ladies were!!!

1/24/2006 10:21 AM  

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