Tuesday, January 17, 2006


hey everybody, elizabeth here...just wanted to give everyone a lil update on greta.

i just spoke to her hubby and he advised that she came outta surgery around 10 o'clock and she did great (of course!! like we thought she wouldn't). she is still sleeping right now and he will be able to go back and see her once she wakes up.

oneil wasn't sure how long she was going to be in recovery or what time she will get to go home, but he'll give me a call once she's all settled in and i'll let ya'll know.

okay, i don't know about ya'll but i'm excited to see those hoots ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Elizabeth, I was wondering if she was "done" yet!! I can't wait to see how it all turned out, she is going to look so freaking hot!!!!! Tell the "girls" I said WELCOME!!!!!

1/17/2006 9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/17/2006 11:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hahaha, yeah, I can hear a conversation now with my son

Ian: "Mommy, why are you looking at that girl's boobies?"
Diana: "Because she just got them fixed."
Ian - something like "were they broken?" haha

thanks for the update!

1/17/2006 11:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hugs to you Greta!!! Glad all is well and can't wait till your back with us in blog land :)

To a speedy recovery!!!

Thanks for the update Elizabeth!!!

1/17/2006 5:08 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Thanks for the update Elizabeth! We hope Greta is recovering swimmingly! Can't wait to see 'em! :)

1/18/2006 8:27 AM  
Blogger Just Me said...


yea for greta!!!

1/18/2006 10:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hope she feelin' like herself real soon!! :)

1/18/2006 4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it went well!!

1/19/2006 9:50 AM  

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