Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year....2006

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New Year's Eve is O'Neil and I's 5 year anniversary but we decided to do something different this year instead of our usual New Year's drunk fest. I am still not feeling up to par so we decided we would take the kids and go to Pizza Hut. (We are some pizza eating fools around this house) then go to Wal-Mart, ugh wish I had a Target, and do some shopping. Fun huh? After all that we decided to come home celebrate with the kiddo's fairly early and put their stinking butts in the bed. Then we played Family Feud DVD edition. That was unusual and fun. Unusual because O'Neil HATES playing games or cards. We had a good time until 3:30 this morning. What was I thinking? Melana was up at 6:15. UGGHHHH all I could think was please let me get just another few hours. Nope Ms. Melana demanded to get up and eat a Pop Tart. Big suprise. That's what she always wants for breakfast. I am sorry but Pop Tarts are nasty but hey whatever make them happy and at this point this morning, quite frankly, I am glad she wanted something so simple. After we ate breakfast, mine consisted of French Vanilla coffee which I never drink coffee.

These are just a few pics that were captured today of the kiddies:
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Melana just walking around

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Donovan (cousin) and Mason

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Mason with his "go away" face

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Me & Melana, she was thrilled to be taking pictures to can't ya tell?

Well that was pretty much our day nothing real interesting, however the scale tomorrow morning will be interesting. I ate like you wouldn't believe.

TSK! TSK! TSK! Oh well it was good


Blogger elizabeth said...

that pic of you and melana is so good!

glad ya'll had a good day :)

1/01/2006 8:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Awww what cuties you have there. I also wish there was a Target here, lol, but I'd have to drive a little over an hour for a Target. *sigh* hehe. Sounds like a better New Year's than we had, poor Ian was sick, but he stayed up for the countdown and he was glad for that, and Sunday we just had a lazy day, literally, both of us in PJs all day, no household chores done, just watched some movies, played some games, read some books, and I was a happy camper. :)

1/02/2006 5:30 AM  

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