Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Can someone please tell me why in the hell all of a sudden I have pop ups on my blog. This is the shit's and I don't know how to fix it. Is it just me or is everybody else having this problem?


Blogger elizabeth said...

ya know, i was just thinking, did you add something to your blog (a link) and then notice the pop ups?

i wonder if that would have something to do with it.

hmmmm...other than that sista, i don't know what it could be.


1/03/2006 5:32 PM  
Blogger Just Me said...

i have no idea...but it might be that new virus that invades pictures?!!?? my antivirus said it quarentined something when i came here

My new Blog!!!

1/04/2006 10:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I wish I could help :( Hope you get it fixed!

1/04/2006 2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll get back to you on that once I get my degree in Computer Technology! jk

Hope it goes away soon for you!!

1/04/2006 3:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I was wondering if it was just my computer or if it was your blog. I hope you can get it fixed, wish I could help ya girlie!

1/04/2006 8:13 PM  
Blogger Lita said...

I think I know what it is! You have alot of add ons on your blog, videos, the weather...etc. Sometimes when you have these on your blog, they have these little darn pop ups that come along with them. What was the last thing that you added onto your blog or when you noticed it starting to happen. Take whatever you put on...off. See what happens. Hope that helps sista!

1/05/2006 1:28 AM  
Blogger Raina* said...

bwahahahaha, I can't help with the pop-up problem but I laughed when I saw the 'leave a damn comment' reminder.

so I had to leave my mark....

Yo, I came, I saw, I conquered!!!
Now hit my blog and do the same.

1/05/2006 6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/06/2006 5:22 AM  
Blogger Jamie said...

I have no clue about the pop ups! Bummer yo! I didn't get one when I got on though! :)

1/06/2006 10:28 AM  

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