Friday, May 12, 2006

Thanks Ya-Ya!

Today when I picked Mason and Melana up from daycare I noticed Mason had cotton in his ears and he was crying. He tells me that his ears hurt. (We have battled ear problems since he was a tiny infant) I was suppose to take him to a birthday party for a classmate but he didn't want to go. Then he tells me "Mom, I'm sorry my ears hurt"...awww my lil man he is so grown.

We get home and the UPS man rang the doorbell. Mason had received a package for his birthday from his Ya-Ya..(she's in guam right now) He was so excited. She bought him the V-Tec Computer System and it is so cool. Well of course he had to play it right then and then tells me he is feeling better so when he was finished playing his computer he wanted to go to the birthday party.

Here he is after a fight and struggle to get the damn thing out the box.
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Conversation at the dinner table over some healthy McDonald's...

Mason: Dad, Ya-Ya is so nice. I love her
O'Neil: I know Mason she spoils you rotten
Mason: She loves me huh dad
O'Neil: Yes she does man
Mason: Do you love Ya-Ya daddy?
O'Neil: I sure do man and we miss her huh Mason
Mason: Yep daddy we do

Also today the kids made me a mother's day present that they were so excited to give me. I was just as excited to receive it. They each hand painted me a pot and styro foam cup in Melana's case and planted a plant in it for me.

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Mason's pot with his plant in it that he planted and watered for me.

The card reads:
It is just a little flower in a pot
Pretty for all to see
But it signifies the bond
Between you and me
For the flower to grow
It needs tender loving care
The kind you give me mom
Of this I am aware
I give you this flower today
As a symbol of my love
Because you are a special gift
From God up above

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This is Melana's and she was just as proud as she could be of it.

I hope I don't kill the plants....my thumb hasn't been so green lately!!


Blogger Shanna said...

aww! that's the sweetest gift ever!! i got a little teary just readig what the note in mason's pot said!!

i have a black thumb. maybe you can keep spare plants in the grarage!

5/12/2006 10:00 PM  
Blogger elizabeth said...

that plant idea is sooo cute! i wish i could help ya out, but my thumb is so black, its about ready to fall off ;)

5/13/2006 4:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a sweet gift! and the ears... my youngest had constant ear infections, we finally ended up getting him tubes. Hope he feels better and enjoys his birthday! Happy Mother's Day to you!!!

5/13/2006 5:10 AM  
Blogger Renee said...

What great Mother's Day gifts. I wanted to grab those pretty little plants right thru my monitor.
Have a great Mother's Day!

5/13/2006 1:57 PM  
Blogger jessica said...

What sweeties! And cool computer.

5/13/2006 5:35 PM  
Blogger Raina* said...

Awww, those are the sweetest gifts. Ever.

And even better that they were soo excited to give them to you. Made with love I tell you, made with love.

5/13/2006 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sweet, sweet, sweet! Happy Mother's Day!

5/14/2006 12:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Awwww, how adorable! I love when the wee-ones are so proud of their work! I am with ya on the green thumb, lol, I think mine is black since I seem to kill plants, lol.

5/15/2006 3:37 PM  

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